If Robert Rodriguez is off your radar and like many, you don’t know what he does, that’s okay. You can look him up now and thank me later. He’s a fearless leader, passionate creative and dedicated family man (similar to our own Oishii Creative Founder, Ish).
Now that I’ve secured my employment, we can continue.
Lucky for you (and me), Oishii was a creative partner for the PromaxBDA Conference this year and of the few speaking engagements I experienced, Robert was one of them.
Here are my favorite quotes:
“Don’t look at what other people are doing. Think of what you’re doing as completely fresh, because if you imitate, you’re dead.”
“If you work creatively, there’s no wrong way.”
“I never stop being creative. I don’t say, ‘okay, time to sit down and come up with ideas.’”
“When you want to do something creative, you have to reduce your list of ‘I’ needs.”
“If you cannot get in a system that already exists, create your own system.”
So here’s my advice: consider hearing Robert speak in person if you ever have an opportunity. The guy is simply an inspiration. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, he will undoubtedly inspire that creative part of you.
— Carlos Penny, Oishii Head of Business Development