Inspired thinking starts with looking at the world differently. It can come from within ourselves, but it’s often more fun when it comes from artists — visual artists, such as Stanley Kubrick, for example. Kubrick invites us to see our daily lives by way of visual cues and patterns. It’s always a jolt to the system and at the same time, a hilarious (and enlightening) way to feel and experience.
Kubrick’s creative visionary mind and methods of thinking are akin to some of today’s tools:
• Boxes are a tangible version of Google and other search engines.
• His photography requests resemble Google maps.
• His late night memos resemble texts or tweets.
Just watch this documentary on Kubrick to see what we mean. And let us know what you think. How are you seeing the world in a different way?
Stanley Kubricks Boxes from JAVARING on Vimeo.
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